Essay on Pollution in English
Hello friends, today we will know about the problem with which the whole world is fighting, that is 'Pollution'. Today everyone is suffering from pollution. Today we will learn about pollution, its types and its causes. Essay on Pollution is an important title asked in the exam. so read it carefully
Introduction: - Looking at today's era, we can say that science has proved to be a blessing as much as a curse for us. As much as we are moving towards modernity, we are also moving towards the destruction of humanity. It has been the nature of man that he has always wanted to take from the natural, not to give. And this tendency is taking him towards destruction. This change of today will have to be suffered by the younger generation in our future.
In the runaway part of modernity, the curse of pollution that we are getting, our eyes are not going towards it, or to say that we are stealing our eyes from it. We are getting lost in bringing so much modernity in ourselves that our own reality is getting tarnished. Therefore, we should always try to maintain the balance of nature.
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The environment in which man is breathing pollution is getting worse day by day. The situation has become so serious that pollution is visible wherever you look. Somewhere there is a lack of rain and somewhere there is an outbreak of flood. Somewhere you have to bear extreme heat and somewhere very cold.
Nature has always done the welfare of mankind by its simple, soft, and cooperative nature, but we humans have made it furious with our activities. As a result of which all mankind is suffering.
Meaning of pollution :- The literal meaning of pollution is 'dirty' or 'impure'. According to the simple definition, "Pollution is a change in the chemical, physical, and biological properties of air, water, and soil that is harmful to all living organisms. It affects all living organisms directly and indirectly."
Air Pollution essay in English
Those substances which are present in sufficient quantity of the atmosphere in the form of particles, liquid or gas and which cause harm to human beings, plants or animals, are called air pollution.
Causes of air pollution: - (1) Industrial factories - A large amount of smoke comes out from the factories. Which is very poisonous. Due to which the surrounding atmosphere gets polluted. It has a bad and harmful effect on the people living in that area. People have to face breathing problem. Some have asthma disease and some have to face lung disease. The youth have to face this problem more because they have to earn here to run the family. And they have to spend more and more time there. The bad condition of the area near the factories can be gauged from the fact that if clothes are put to dry at night, then in the morning dark black particles are seen on those clothes. Imagine if someone sleeps on the terrace to get rid of the heat, then what will be the condition of his body in the morning.
(2) Means of transport:- The means of transport are also four steps ahead in increasing air pollution. The air is polluted up to a few kilometers from the factories, but the means of transport have not left even the street-mohalla, village-basti, square-intersection. The smoke that comes out from the burning of petrol and diesel used in the means of transport is even more dangerous and poisonous. We believe that the means of transport has made the convenience of transportation very easy in this latest era, but its ill-effects cannot be ignored.
(3) Increasing population : - The increasing population of any country creates an effect on the environment there. When the population increases, the demand for employment will increase and for this, factories will have to be established. Due to which air pollution will increase. If the population increases, the means of transport will increase, due to which air pollution will increase.
(4) Nuclear test: - Every country is competing to prove itself as almighty and to prove it, it keeps on testing different types of biological weapons from time to time. The gas released in this test is more destructive than all other pollution. The history of the atomic attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 is still witness to this day. In which 140,000 people died in Hiroshima and about 74,000 people in Nagasaki. Even today the effect of the attack done 75 years ago can be seen. Even today children with disabilities are born there. So you can imagine in which direction we are heading today.
(5) Deforestation :- Forest is the basis of life of this creation. We are playing with it for our own little benefit. Forests help in purifying the atmosphere, in getting rain. They provide us with oxygen by using harmful gases such as carbon dioxide produced in the atmosphere. Wildlife is also affected by deforestation. Therefore, due to deforestation, air pollution increases.

Water Pollution essay in English
Water is one of the most important gifts bestowed by God. When unwanted and waste materials are mixed in this water, due to which the water is not usable, then it is called water pollution. Water is the most abundant on earth, but the amount for human use is only 1%. So water should be used with care. Water pollution does not only affect humans but plants and animals.
Causes of water pollution :-
1. Due to religious characteristics, people immerse idols, worship materials in the water of rivers, ponds etc., due to which the water of rivers gets polluted.
2. The waste materials of industrial factories are passed into water, due to which harmful substances are mixed in the water.
3. In cities, the water of rivers gets contaminated due to the release of contaminated sewage water into the rivers.
4. Pollution is also spread by putting dead animals and rotten substances in the water of rivers.
5. In some places, the water from the toilets of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is being released into the rivers. Due to which the cleanliness of the water is getting reduced.
6. The water is also polluted due to the leakage of oily substances from the water vessels in the sea. Due to which there is a harmful effect on the marine life.
7. The risk of water pollution is also increasing due to the continuous nuclear tests.
8. Water is also polluted by bathing in the rivers of humans and animals.
९. Water pollution is also caused due to the personal desires of human beings like swimming pool, washing center etc.
10. During the rainy season, the mixing of polluted water, waste material, animal and human waste material with rain water promotes water pollution.
Essay on Soil pollution in English
Defining land pollution, we can say that - “Any unwanted change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of the land which has an effect on humans and other organisms or destroys the natural quality and utility of the land is called land pollution. "
There is only one-fourth of the land on the earth, in which only 280 million square miles are available for human use. Therefore, the responsibility of proper maintenance of this land lies with the humans. But today's increasing population has brought diversity and density in land use. As a result, the problem of 'land-pollution' has arisen which has become a major problem in many parts of the world today. We all know that we do all the work of earning our livelihood on the land like growing crops, setting up of factories etc. In this process we have been continuously polluting our land. Let us know how humans are polluting the land.
Land Pollution Causes:- (i) Plastic containers, cans, plastics, electronic items etc. in household, hospital, school and materials used in the market come under the category of solid waste. Some of these are biodegradable and others are non-biodegradable and difficult to dispose of. It is non-biodegradable waste which causes major land pollution.
(ii) Forests are being cut at a rapid pace to meet the various needs of human beings. Trees are essential to the soil as they help to retain various essential nutrients. Cutting of trees due to mining, urbanization and other reasons are factors that promote land pollution.
(iii) Disposal of chemical waste is difficult. Both liquid and solid waste obtained from pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers are dumped either in landfills or other places. This degrades the soil and creates another type of land pollution.
(iv) Many high-end farming techniques are being used by the farmers these days to ensure higher yield of crops. Overuse of these techniques such as overuse of pesticides and insecticides causes soil erosion. Fruits and vegetables grown in such land are also not considered healthy. It is considered a type of land pollution.
(v) Land pollution is caused by broken glass, plastic, furniture and polythene etc. thrown from the houses.
(vi) Chemicals from industries also cause land pollution as heavy metals get deposited on the soil and contaminate the land.
(vii) During excavation to extract mineral oils from the land, the oil falls on the ground several times and contaminates the soil.
(viii) During rains, the contaminants present in the air come to the ground and pollute the land.
Essay on Sound Pollution in English
Noise pollution is also harmful like other pollution. Noise pollution is a cause of mental pain as well as physical pain. Today, the way the means of transport have increased on the roads, big factories have been established, due to which noise pollution has also reached its peak condition. When you take out on the streets, the sound of the whistling of the car shakes the curtains of the ears. When you go to the party, the music system makes your heart beat. If this situation continues, then a time will come that the hearing ability of the people will decrease. If regular and strict steps are not taken to stop it, then it will become a very serious problem for the future generations.
High level of noise pollution brings irritability in the behavior of many human beings especially in patients, elderly and pregnant women. Unwanted loud noises cause deafness and other complex ear problems like damage to the eardrums, ear pain, etc. Sometimes loud music pleases those who listen, but rather disturbs other people.
Causes of Noise Pollution :- (1) Industrialization has put our health and life at risk because all the industries (big or small) use machines which produces loud noise in very high volume. Other equipment used in factories and industries (compressors, generators, heat exhaust fans, mills) also generates a lot of noise.
(2) Common social events such as weddings, parties, pubs, clubs, discos, or places of worship create noise in residential areas such as temples, mosques, etc.
(3) Increasing means of transport (bikes, airplanes, underground trains etc.) in cities create loud noise.
(4) General manufacturing activities (including construction of mines, bridges, buildings, dams, stations, etc.), involving large machinery, produce high levels of noise.
(5) The use of household appliances in daily life is the main cause of noise pollution.
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